1. Why Is Computer Literacy Important?
To be successful in today's world, it is crucial to have knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses. This knowledge, called computer literacy, is essential as technology advances and computers extend into every facet of daily living.
2. What Is a Computer?
A computer is an electronic machine, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory, that can accept data (input), manipulate the data according to specified rules (process), produce results (output), and store the results for future use (storage). Data is a collection of unorganized facts, which can include words, numbers, images, and sounds. Computers manipulate data to create information. Information is data that is organized, has meaning, and is useful. Examples are reports, newsletters, a receipt, or a check. Data entered into a computer is called input. The processed results are called output. The cycle of input, process, output, and storage is called the information processing cycle.